Michael Vicente Perez

Michael Vicente Perez

Michael Perez is a Senior Editor at The Islamic Monthly and a regular columnist.


5 Points About Trump’s Speech on Jerusalem

5 Points About Trump’s Speech on Jerusalem

1. “My announcement today marks the beginning of a new approach to conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.&r
Trump, Immigration and the Politics of Deception

Trump, Immigration and the Politics of Deception

Seven days after becoming U.S. president, Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13769, temporarily banning refugees and mi
The Crisis Unseen

The Crisis Unseen

Palestinians Flee Syria with Fewer Options than Ever  War and mass destruction in Syria and Iraq have compelled hun
The Intolerable Possibility of Slavery: A Muslim Perspective

The Intolerable Possibility of Slavery: A Muslim Perspective

Many Muslims are talking about slavery today. Thanks to the so-called Islamic State, Muslims and the public more general
American Privilege or The Unbearable Lightness Of Being White

American Privilege or The Unbearable Lightness Of Being White

What does it mean to be post-racial? The very idea is at once radical and absurd: radical insofar as envisioning a world
C’mon Muslims, Music is Awesome

C’mon Muslims, Music is Awesome

Last year, I completed an important pilgrimage. In November-December of 2013, I traveled to Portland, then to Spokane, a
Defense as Annihilation in Gaza

Defense as Annihilation in Gaza

Reflections from the 11th day of what Israel calls this “Operation Protective Edge.”   Israel calls thi
Does a Women-only Pool Mean Segregation? Not Quite.

Does a Women-only Pool Mean Segregation? Not Quite.

What does it mean to have separate spaces for women and men? Is a women-only pool, for example, exclusive or discriminat
Will the Real Salafi Please Stand Up!

Will the Real Salafi Please Stand Up!

  The Threat of Muslim Labels or well over a decade, various categories have been created to identify, describe, en
Beyond the Palestinian Empathy Movement

Beyond the Palestinian Empathy Movement

In a recent article in The New York Review of Books titled “The American Jewish Cocoon,” Peter Beinart makes