Wearable technology in 50 years?

Wearable technology in 50 years?

TIMovation logo final

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Wearable technology has changed dramatically over the past year alone. New gadgets from glasses to watches are evolving and developed to provide individualized access to information.  But if the past year alone changed so drastically, what will happen in 50 years from now?  TIM asks you to write an imaginative essay on what the future of wearables will be, do, feel, and become.  Think outside the box and you could win a feature in our next print issue and a cash prize.



You are describing in detail what a wearable technology (if even that) will be 50 years from now.  We are looking for thoughtful, creative, imaginative essays that provide unique perspectives, angles and innovative thoughts about the future of technology and what it can do for an individual or community in the American context.  Your essay should be no longer than 2,000 words in total.  Drawings are welcome.

1. Title your piece.  (for example: The Wired Arm bracelet)

2. Set the landscape:  In order to demonstrate the changes to wearable technology that you envision you must also describe the ways in which technology in general will change in 50 years. Will we have email like the present day? Facebook?  GPS systems? Phones?  In the year 2064 what will be our primary form of communication and information gathering?

3. Use: In what ways will the wearable technology that you are envisioning change?  What will be its primary function?  What will it do 50 years from now?  Will it even be “wearable?”  Will it’s primary function be information?  


Deadline to submit:  November 23, 2014

Submissions should be sent by email to: timovation@theislamicmonthly.com



      – Submit as a PDF file.

      – Include your full name, mailing address, email address, and phone number.

      – Please include a short bio of yourself.

      – Contest open to all readers worldwide.  Only one submission per reader. Any changes or edits made to submitted documents will not be read, so please edit carefully before emailing.

      Judges vote May 1st, 2015

Winning entry will be announced and featured in the Fall/Winter Print issue of TIM.

Winner is awarded $500!



Imran Sayeed

CTO for NTT Data
MIT Professor


Nadeem Mazen

Cambridge City Council
Co-founder of Danger Awesome

Maryam Eskandari

Founder, CEO and Architect
MIIM Designs

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