Hina Tai

Hina Tai

Hina Tai is the Associate Director of Research at The Islamic Monthly. Her writing has been featured in numerous publications including HuffPost, NPR, The Guardian among others. Hina holds a masters degree from Columbia University, where she studied sociomedical sciences. Hina received her undergraduate degrees from Boston University in anthropology and journalism. Visit her website: http://www.hinatai.com/ and follow her on Twitter @hina_m_tai


Dave Eggers’ The Monk of Mokha: A Portal Into America’s Love Affair With Qahwa

Dave Eggers’ The Monk of Mokha: A Portal Into America’s Love Affair With Qahwa

Oh coffee, Oh story of lovers, You help me repel my sleep, You help me stay awake and worship my lord while people fell
How Mosques Are Self-Empowering Against Hate This Ramadan

How Mosques Are Self-Empowering Against Hate This Ramadan

A few summers ago, Razwan Mughal, a board member of Masjid an-Nur in Maryland, found bullet holes in the windows of the
Latinos Are the Ignored Victims of Islamophobia in the Age of Trump

Latinos Are the Ignored Victims of Islamophobia in the Age of Trump

Guadalupe García de Rayos was detained Wednesday after an annual visit with the federal Immigration and Cust
Elderly Iranian woman pressured to relinquish green card under Trump’s ban

Elderly Iranian woman pressured to relinquish green card under Trump’s ban

Shahin Hassanpour, an Iranian national, flew into Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Saturday morning only to fi
Muslim Ban is Tearing Apart Families, Not Stopping Terrorists

Muslim Ban is Tearing Apart Families, Not Stopping Terrorists

The day after Donald Trump won the elections, Alisa Wartick decided to focus her energies on helping refugees because sh
Fight or Flight? Muslims in America

Fight or Flight? Muslims in America

Fight-or-flight mode. That seems to be the state of the Muslim American community lately. When Muslims aren’t bein
Who is to blame for the Orlando nightclub attack?

Who is to blame for the Orlando nightclub attack?

Muslims are instinctively preparing to launch another battle against Islamophobia in the aftermath of one of the deadlie
Nadiya’s hijab is problematic, but not for the reasons you think

Nadiya’s hijab is problematic, but not for the reasons you think

Last Wednesday, Nadiya Jamir Hussain, 30-year-old Muslim woman from Northern England, won BBC’s The Great British
Progressive Mosques Gain Ground in America

Progressive Mosques Gain Ground in America

At first glance el-Tawhid Juma Circle doesn’t look like a mosque. After all, it is only a conference room at a loc