Mohammad Fadel

Mohammad Fadel

Mohammad Fadel is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Toronto and a Columnist at The Islamic Monthly


Trump and Muslims: How Far Can He Go?

Trump and Muslims: How Far Can He Go?

As Donald Trump is inaugurated the nation’s 45th president, American Muslims are understandably nervous about what
Being Muslim in the Age of Trump

Being Muslim in the Age of Trump

Donald Trump became the official nominee of the Republican Party by crushing a large field of competitors that
Obergefell, Marriage Equality and Islam in the West

Obergefell, Marriage Equality and Islam in the West

The Supreme Court of the United States of America on June 26 issued its long-awaited decision in Obergefell on the const
The Iran Deal and the Future of the Middle East

The Iran Deal and the Future of the Middle East

The recent announcement of an agreement in principle between the United States and Iran on the future of the Iranian nuc
ISIS, Islamophobia and the End of Sunnism

ISIS, Islamophobia and the End of Sunnism

Editor’s Note: this was first published in the fall/winter 2014/5 issue of The Islamic Monthly The recent dust-up
Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Return to the Authoritarian State

Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Return to the Authoritarian State

Much ink has been spilled since July 3, 2013 in response to the removal of President Mohammad Morsi from office at the h
Has the Time Finally Come for Immigration Reform?

Has the Time Finally Come for Immigration Reform?

United States President Obama, fresh from his victory over Mitt Romney, has made clear his determination to push through
Islam: Theory and Practice

Islam: Theory and Practice

Muslims, when confronted with instances of disorder, backwardness and even violence, often reply that these actions are
Religion and the Arab Spring: Between opposition, equivocation and liberation

Religion and the Arab Spring: Between opposition, equivocation and liberation

Mohamed bouazizi, an unlicensed fruit vendor living in Sidi Bouzid, a provincial town in Tunisia, set himself ablaze Dec
Muslim Citizenship in the Context of the “War on Terrorism”

Muslim Citizenship in the Context of the “War on Terrorism”

Cooperate in Furtherance of Righteousness and Godliness, not in Sin and Aggression: The year 2010 may very well go down