Sarah Astarte

Sarah Astarte

Sarah Astarte grew up in Sacramento, California to South Asian parents, and grew up in a multicultural atmosphere. She attended the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she received her B.A. in psychology with a minor in communications. She has a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology, and an M.A. in psychology, from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, California. She completed a chaplaincy residency at Stanford Hospital, and is an interfaith minister and chaplain. She has also worked as a hospice chaplain in the East Bay, California. She is a professor of psychology at Contra Costa College, and Diablo Valley College, is a diversity trainer, and facilitates events, rituals and conference presentations in Northern California. Sarah has studied numerous spiritual traditions, has counseled people of many different backgrounds, identifies as bicultural and is fluent in Urdu/Hindi and English. She lives in Sacramento, CA, with her husband, and her cats. She is an avid reader, and enjoys fire dancing, cooking, and being outdoors. Her work centers around helping her students and clients heal and transform into their most empowered selves.


Am I Muslim (American) Enough For You?

Am I Muslim (American) Enough For You?

Last weekend, I attended a sehri (suhoor) party, sharing a meal with other Muslim Americans in the wee hours of the nigh