Haroon Moghul

Haroon Moghul

Haroon Moghul is a co-producer at Avenue M, a widely published writer and a popular public speaker. He is a columnist for The Islamic Monthly.


Perspective: Trump and the Muslim Ban

Perspective: Trump and the Muslim Ban

Diversity Saves Us From The Temptation To Fascism: Trump and the Muslim Ban I can’t think of a better definition o
He is As His Servant Fears He Is

He is As His Servant Fears He Is

After the fall of Granada in 1492, Spain’s rulers offered native Jews the choice of conversion or departure. Musli
There’s Only One Way To Stop Trump, and You Won’t Like It

There’s Only One Way To Stop Trump, and You Won’t Like It

With Rand Paul and Jeb Bush out of the race, there remains just one Republican candidate who does not absolutely terrify
What Would The Ottomans Make of ISIS?

What Would The Ottomans Make of ISIS?

That a suicide bomber detonated himself on the orders of a so-called caliph, outside a mosque built by an actual caliph,
The Very Boring War Against ISIS

The Very Boring War Against ISIS

The world has a secret weapon against ISIS. It’s so dull, however, that I am confident that even in revealing it,
A Modest Proposal For Eliminating Terrorism

A Modest Proposal For Eliminating Terrorism

They make us arrive really early at the airport. They’ve turned our terminals into their victo
Bernie Sanders is Wrong on Guns and Right for the Country

Bernie Sanders is Wrong on Guns and Right for the Country

Bernie Sanders had an interesting debate Tuesday night. His most memorable line — “the American pe
Anti-Islam Activist No Expert, Friends and Enemies Say

Anti-Islam Activist No Expert, Friends and Enemies Say

the following is a piece of satire (Indianapolis, IN) Richard Denger intended for his ‘armed and peaceful&rsq
It’s Not You, American Muslims, It’s Me

It’s Not You, American Muslims, It’s Me

He seems confused, indecisive, and uncertain.  And is that what he wants his legacy to be? President Obama has one
Real Muslims Join al-Qaeda

Real Muslims Join al-Qaeda

There is a new declared Islamic State–and Caliph–what does that mean?   It’s a measure of how poo