Obaid H. Siddiqui

Obaid H. Siddiqui

Obaid H. Siddiqui is a freelance writer and journalist based in Philadelphia. He is a contributor to the anthology “All-American: 45 American Men on Being Muslim.” He can be followed on Twitter @OhSiddiqui.


45 Watch: The Decline of an Empire

45 Watch: The Decline of an Empire

  Empires, just like the history they mold and define, repeat themselves in identifiable patterns. Though each empi
45 Watch: The Dark Princes Rise

45 Watch: The Dark Princes Rise

“I have the power,” screams an excessively orange-skinned man with a ridiculous haircut, his voice echoing a
45 Watch: To Incompetence and Beyond

45 Watch: To Incompetence and Beyond

Almost 48 years ago, on July 21, 1969, Buzz Aldrin hopped off Eagle, the Apollo 11 space mission’s lunar landing m
45 Watch: An American Hairwolf Abroad

45 Watch: An American Hairwolf Abroad

A picture, as the old adage goes, is worth a thousand words. A single image can say more about a subject than the most i
45 Watch: The Descent into Chaos

45 Watch: The Descent into Chaos

According to chaos theory, uncertainty increases exponentially the further in time one tries to forecast an action or be
45 Watch: 3 Reasons to Say No to Neil Gorsuch

45 Watch: 3 Reasons to Say No to Neil Gorsuch

Two months ago, Donald Trump announced his pick for the vacant Supreme Court seat in true showman fashion. He forewarned
45 Watch: The Devil Went Down to Congress

45 Watch: The Devil Went Down to Congress

In his poem “The Generous Player,” the French poet Charles Baudelaire envisions an enchanted encounter with
45 Watch III: Russian Edition!

45 Watch III: Russian Edition!

Prevyet! Or hello and welcome to your dispatches from the 2017 Scold War! Despite the many denials from Donald Trump, th
45 Watch II

45 Watch II

It’s Week Two of Trump Watch and the the War of the Words is in full swing. The lies and propaganda shoveled by th
45 Watch: Your Alternative Facts Digest

45 Watch: Your Alternative Facts Digest

It’s hard to believe that Donald Trump has officially been president of the United States for only a week. (One do