Steven Zhou

Steven Zhou

Steven Zhou is a writer and journalist based in Toronto, Canada. Read his work at www.zhoujournal.wordpress.com and follow him on Twitter at @stevenzzhou


Make sure to “hide your power level”

Make sure to “hide your power level”

The ugliest instances of today’s far-right resurgence — Charlottesville, the Muslim ban, the Quebec City mos
Official Conservatism vs. The “Loonie” Right

Official Conservatism vs. The “Loonie” Right

Observers who warn against increasing levels of radical, far-right activism in the U.S. and Canada are often met with a
Don’t Blame the Media for Silence on the Rohingya

Don’t Blame the Media for Silence on the Rohingya

It’s now common among many activist circles to position any championed cause as the overlooked issue by the mass (
Why Don’t We Care About Right-Wing Terrorists?

Why Don’t We Care About Right-Wing Terrorists?

Most observers and analysts today are happy to emphasize the role of “ideology” in the still-not-so-well-und
The Madman Makes it Through

The Madman Makes it Through

The bombing right outside of an auditorium in Manchester, England, which killed 22 people and wounded dozens more, occur
Muslims, Syria and the Anti-Imperial Left

Muslims, Syria and the Anti-Imperial Left

For many who’ve come of age in the post-9/11 world (of Iraq/Afghanistan, drones, blacksites, etc.), it’s bec
The Right Way to Resolve the Terrorism Double Standard

The Right Way to Resolve the Terrorism Double Standard

A lot of Muslims are happy and relieved to hear that the White supremacist James Jackson, who killed a 66-year-old Black
Canada’s Populism and the New Age of Right-Wing Dog Whistling

Canada’s Populism and the New Age of Right-Wing Dog Whistling

Editor’s Note: This article appears in our Winter 2016/2017 issue, and was written before the Quebec mosque shooti
Rebel Media Rally Gives a Glimpse Into Canada’s Rising Hard Right

Rebel Media Rally Gives a Glimpse Into Canada’s Rising Hard Right

Despite a last-minute change in venue and relatively short notice, Rebel Media — Canada’s very own answer to
The Quebec City shooting and Canada’s false “immunity”

The Quebec City shooting and Canada’s false “immunity”

It’s hardly a question by now that today’s right-wing, anti-Muslim sentiment has an emboldening effect on th